Friday, March 20, 2015

Pigs are Highly Intelligent Animals

Pigs are intelligent social animals. They love to play, root in the soil and enjoy the simple pleasures of life. Below is a video of an adorable pig named Moritz who solves puzzles. 

Cool Facts About Pigs:

1. They are highly intelligent and curious animals - even smarter than 3 year old children, dogs and some primates.

2. They are social animals - they love to be with other pigs and form connection, creating strong bonds.

3. They are actually clean - they separate their potty area from where they rest and sleep.

4. They are peaceful animals - rare to show aggression, except in cases of having to protect their young. 

5. They help in the ecosystem - as they root in the ground, they create new areas for plants and trees to grow. 

6. They have heightened smell - useful for rooting the ground. 

7. They have 20 vocalizations used in communication - each has distinctive message.

8.  They prefer to snuggle with one another and sleep nose to nose - they also dream in their sleep.

9. Mother pigs sing to their babies - and the babies recognize their own names and their mother's voice.

10. Pigs don't eat like pigs - they are rather demure who take their sweet time eating their food.

11. They like to bathe in water or mud to stay cool - as they don't have sweat glands. 

12.  Many pigs have saved human lives (yes, they are true stories).

Many of us are not aware that the pork we eat come from the suffering, misery and horrible slaughtering of millions of pigs in factory farms. In becoming aware of the remarkable intelligence of pigs, I hope that many of us find new form of respect and admiration for these lovely animals. To recognize that they are just like us, fully capable of experiencing joy and pain, happiness and sadness. To minimize our pork and overall meat consumption that would help spare millions of farm animals in cruel factory farms. To empower factory farms and food business to develop and practice higher standards for animal welfare.



"A better attitude leads to better actions and a better world..."

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