Friday, February 27, 2015

Amy's Farm: The Beauty in Local Farms

I recently had the opportunity to visit Amy’s Farm in Ontario, California. Thanks to the recommendation of someone I just met, I found this humbly beautiful farm. I got to visit on a beautiful Saturday morning. The very first ones that caught my eyes were the friendly goats who ran to me without hesitation. They look peaceful and in great condition.

Amy's Farm
Then, I proceeded to the backside of the farm where I found the beautiful green landscape for growing of fruits and vegetables. I felt the calmness and serenity in simple being there and living that moment. I wish we have more of these in San Bernardino and Los Angeles County area. 

I was originally there to buy some cage free eggs, but the various locally grown vegetables like parsley, cilantro and kale also got my attention. What amazed me the most is the farm’s Honor System. 

Honor System is a certain way of purchasing your merchandise. There is no cashier or sales customer involved in the process. No need to check out your products or scan your items. One simply purchases the produce by donating money depending on the total amount of items he/she plans to get. In other words, Amy’s Farm puts its faith and trust in people that they would remain honest with their purchases!

I also got the chance to visit the petting zoo. Therein houses some more goats, lambs, pigs, cows and poultry. They were all looking lovely and happy. They could not be any more excited to get to and greet me. I couldn’t stress out enough how much I find it amusing that these farm animals seem so excited to see me. It just goes to show they live in a happy place by being in Amy’s Farm. 

I’m not a vegetarian nor am I vegan. But I’m certainly on my journey of cutting down on my meat consumption so more farm animals can be spared from the misery and cruelty of factory farms. I just couldn’t bear the thought of pigs crammed in small gestation crates, chickens crowded in battery cages, dairy cows attached to milking machines, mothers and babies getting separated, tail docking, ear notching and mistreatment of downed animals among other things.

I could go on and on about other political and social changes that we can implement to better the lives of these gentle farm animals but in all honesty, it all goes down to several things:
  • Transition to vegetarian or vegan diet
  • Reduced meat consumption
  • Switch to organic, local produce
  • Spread the word about factory farms to others, so they can make conscious decisions about their health and lifestyle
  • Promotion for local farms
  • Educational trips and outreach on farm animals



Despite the proliferation of factory farms in our current society, we always have the ability to challenge and change the system. Factory farms operate because we let them. As long as people stay ignorant or turn a blind eye on this source of animal cruelty, health crisis and environmental degradation, it will continue on. The key is to get educated, be knowledgeable and empower local farms and organic farming. The more we empower them, the more we empower our health, animal welfare and the environment. 


"A better attitude leads to better actions and a better world..."

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