Friday, May 1, 2015

Plant-based Diet is..Really..Healthy

Vegeterian and vegan diet is on the rise. Over the past few years, there's been a surge in plant-based diet and vegan restaurants than ever before. Vegan and vegetarian diet is not just a trend, as many presumed. It goes beyond the fight against factory farm animals and animal cruelty, although this is also important. A plant-based diet is actually great for your health - physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. 

So let's take a look at some of the health benefits of plant-based diet that might even convince you to adopt a vegan, vegetarian diet.


Heart disease is a leading cause of death in the U.S. primarily because of cholesterol and high blood pressure. Plant-based foods are notoriously low on saturated fats that increase cholesterol and sodium that raises the blood pressure. Vegetables can also improve our blood vessels and reduces vessel irritation. 

Fruits and vegetables make our arteries more flexible and relaxed. They help reduce cholesterol levels that block the blood flow throughout our body, especially to our heart, all resulting to lower blood pressure. On contrary, animal fats are heavy on saturated fats that thicken our blood, resulting to high blood pressure.

Animal fats promote high cholesterol levels, plain and simple. The more we take in animal meat, the more we have cholesterol floating around in our blood. Cholesterol is one of the main causes of heart diseases that block the blood flow to our heart. When we reduce or refrain from consuming animal meat, we significantly reduce our risk for having high cholesterol levels. Not only this, plant-based foods have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties that keep our blood vessels healthy, smooth and relaxed.

Plant-based foods don't have saturated fats found in animal meat. They're low in caloric content and lack processed sugar that are big contributors to high blood sugar levels in our blood.

Fruits and vegetables are generally low in calories that help promote weight loss and prevent obesity.
Stroke works just like heart attack, except it affects our brain. We suffer from stroke when there’s blockage in the blood flow to the brain or when one of our arteries ruptures that impede blood supply to our brain. High blood pressure causes artery rupture, so the positive effect of plant-based food in lowering our blood pressure is a big prevention from stroke. 

As mentioned earlier, animal fats that we get from meat consumption thicken our blood vessels, cause inflammation and irritation, and increase our cholesterol levels that can all block the normal blood flow to our brain. 

Plant-based foods improve blood vessels function and reduce inflammation, which helps reduce our risk for developing Alzheimer's disease. Studies show strong correlation between diet high in beta carotene, vegetables, and Vitamin C and E and low incidence of Alzheimer's.

Fruits and vegetables are rich in antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties that help reduce inflammation in the airways that usually occur in common lung problems, such as asthma and COPD. 

There’s an old saying that milk brings calcium, which improves our overall bone health. While calcium is needed for our bone growth and strength, dairy products like milk are not always the best solution. Cow milk can actually increase our risk for osteoporosis. Dairy products have high acidity that gets our body to remove calcium and other minerals from our bones as it tries to taper the acidity. 

Plant-based foods that are rich in calcium and other minerals, such as green leafy vegetables, seafood, legumes and fruits, offer a more alkaline level that works better for our bones. Plant-based foods also reduce inflammation in bone joints that are helpful in managing arthritis.  

Plant-based diet offer antioxidant and anti-inflammatory benefits that help boost our immune system. Not to mention that the animal meat we consume come from factory farms that inject antibiotics in animals for their growth and health in stressful, filthy and miserable factory farm conditions. By consuming meat, we also directly take in these antibiotics that greatly cause us to be more antibiotic resistant in the midst of infection.  

Animal meat and products don’t have fiber, but fruits and vegetables do! Fruits and vegetables are naturally high in fiber that is good for healthy digestion and thus relieving constipation.  

Cancer is becoming more prevalent now than ever. It’s a tough and complicated health problem to beat. The good news is, adopting a plant-based diet can help prevent and eradicate cancer! Cancer cells thrive in meat, dairy, eggs, oils and processed sugars, which we get from animal meat consumption. 


High saturated fats and high calorie foods promote cancer cell growth. Dairy products even have a hormone called IGF-1 that is known to be a cancer hormone. IGF-1 boosts estrogen levels in women, putting them at higher risk for breast and ovarian cancers. It also boosts testosterone levels in men that increase their risk for prostate and testicular cancers. 

cancer cell under attack by lymphocytes
Photo credit: King's College London

 Eggs are very high in animal protein that is acidic that can promote cancer cell division and multiplication.

On the bright side, plant-based foods and fruits are heavily loaded with fiber and phytochemicals that promote normal cells. Fruits and veggies are also rich in antioxidants that help regulate free radicals that lead to cancer cells. 

Plant-based diet makes us feel good. It allows us to be more compassionate, connected with your food and our nature. We’re more in touched with who we are and the value of everything around us – our personal health, animals, and the environment – which makes us happier individuals.


"A better attitude leads to better actions and a better world..."

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

New Zealand Welcomes Ban on Cosmetic Animal Testing

A more humane practice is underway!  The New Zealand government recently introduced and approved a bill that would ban the cruel cosmetic animal testing on animals. The Animal Welfare Bill prohibits the use of animals to test finished products and ingredients on cosmetics. 

Animals, such as mice, rabbits, and guinea pigs among many more are commonly used in cosmetic testing for as long as cosmetic testing started. Animals are often exposed to irritant products that are rubbed on their skins, instilled in their eyes or introduced into their bodies.

The availability of more advanced alternative methods for cosmetic testing challenged the long standing status quo of animal use in laboratories. 

New Zealand Prime Minister Nathan Guy welcomed the proposed ban.

“The Government has decided to introduce an alternative to the original SOP introduced by Green MP Mojo Mathers because of concerns the wording may have been too broad. This could lead to unintended consequences such as banning testing on ingredients in medicines that New Zealanders depend on.

“I want to thank Mojo Mathers for her work on this issue. Although the Government has introduced slightly alternative wording, this amendment still captures the principle of her SOP.

“It’s important to note we already have a strong framework for any animal testing done in New Zealand. Any testing for products like medicines has to be approved by an independent ethics committee and has to show the benefits will outweigh any harm caused.”

-Nathan Guy, NZ Prime Minister

Phasing out animal testing for cosmetics still has a long way to go. Nevertheless, New Zealand's strong opposition to this creates a remarkable positive standards that would hopefully influence the rest of the world.



"A better attitude leads to better actions and a better world..."

Friday, March 20, 2015

Pigs are Highly Intelligent Animals

Pigs are intelligent social animals. They love to play, root in the soil and enjoy the simple pleasures of life. Below is a video of an adorable pig named Moritz who solves puzzles. 

Cool Facts About Pigs:

1. They are highly intelligent and curious animals - even smarter than 3 year old children, dogs and some primates.

2. They are social animals - they love to be with other pigs and form connection, creating strong bonds.

3. They are actually clean - they separate their potty area from where they rest and sleep.

4. They are peaceful animals - rare to show aggression, except in cases of having to protect their young. 

5. They help in the ecosystem - as they root in the ground, they create new areas for plants and trees to grow. 

6. They have heightened smell - useful for rooting the ground. 

7. They have 20 vocalizations used in communication - each has distinctive message.

8.  They prefer to snuggle with one another and sleep nose to nose - they also dream in their sleep.

9. Mother pigs sing to their babies - and the babies recognize their own names and their mother's voice.

10. Pigs don't eat like pigs - they are rather demure who take their sweet time eating their food.

11. They like to bathe in water or mud to stay cool - as they don't have sweat glands. 

12.  Many pigs have saved human lives (yes, they are true stories).

Many of us are not aware that the pork we eat come from the suffering, misery and horrible slaughtering of millions of pigs in factory farms. In becoming aware of the remarkable intelligence of pigs, I hope that many of us find new form of respect and admiration for these lovely animals. To recognize that they are just like us, fully capable of experiencing joy and pain, happiness and sadness. To minimize our pork and overall meat consumption that would help spare millions of farm animals in cruel factory farms. To empower factory farms and food business to develop and practice higher standards for animal welfare.



"A better attitude leads to better actions and a better world..."

Friday, February 27, 2015

Amy's Farm: The Beauty in Local Farms

I recently had the opportunity to visit Amy’s Farm in Ontario, California. Thanks to the recommendation of someone I just met, I found this humbly beautiful farm. I got to visit on a beautiful Saturday morning. The very first ones that caught my eyes were the friendly goats who ran to me without hesitation. They look peaceful and in great condition.

Amy's Farm
Then, I proceeded to the backside of the farm where I found the beautiful green landscape for growing of fruits and vegetables. I felt the calmness and serenity in simple being there and living that moment. I wish we have more of these in San Bernardino and Los Angeles County area. 

I was originally there to buy some cage free eggs, but the various locally grown vegetables like parsley, cilantro and kale also got my attention. What amazed me the most is the farm’s Honor System. 

Honor System is a certain way of purchasing your merchandise. There is no cashier or sales customer involved in the process. No need to check out your products or scan your items. One simply purchases the produce by donating money depending on the total amount of items he/she plans to get. In other words, Amy’s Farm puts its faith and trust in people that they would remain honest with their purchases!

I also got the chance to visit the petting zoo. Therein houses some more goats, lambs, pigs, cows and poultry. They were all looking lovely and happy. They could not be any more excited to get to and greet me. I couldn’t stress out enough how much I find it amusing that these farm animals seem so excited to see me. It just goes to show they live in a happy place by being in Amy’s Farm. 

I’m not a vegetarian nor am I vegan. But I’m certainly on my journey of cutting down on my meat consumption so more farm animals can be spared from the misery and cruelty of factory farms. I just couldn’t bear the thought of pigs crammed in small gestation crates, chickens crowded in battery cages, dairy cows attached to milking machines, mothers and babies getting separated, tail docking, ear notching and mistreatment of downed animals among other things.

I could go on and on about other political and social changes that we can implement to better the lives of these gentle farm animals but in all honesty, it all goes down to several things:
  • Transition to vegetarian or vegan diet
  • Reduced meat consumption
  • Switch to organic, local produce
  • Spread the word about factory farms to others, so they can make conscious decisions about their health and lifestyle
  • Promotion for local farms
  • Educational trips and outreach on farm animals



Despite the proliferation of factory farms in our current society, we always have the ability to challenge and change the system. Factory farms operate because we let them. As long as people stay ignorant or turn a blind eye on this source of animal cruelty, health crisis and environmental degradation, it will continue on. The key is to get educated, be knowledgeable and empower local farms and organic farming. The more we empower them, the more we empower our health, animal welfare and the environment. 


"A better attitude leads to better actions and a better world..."

Thursday, December 4, 2014

Support the Blue Freedom Project, an End to Dolphins and Whales Captivity

It's not that long ago when the controversial documentary 'Blackfish' that centers on the captivity or orcas in the famous Sea World marine park surfaces in the film making industry and touched the hearts and minds of many. Then, there's the infamous hunt and slaughter of dolphins in Taiji, Japan that made headlines this year.

It's easy to feel broken and distressed with these seemingly cruelties and injustices to these beautiful creatures that deserve respect and freedom in the ocean. The good news is there are people out there who genuinely care and are building a movement that can turn the tides. In the midst of suffering, there's always hope. Hope for a positive change and better circumstances.

I'm pleased to come across the Blue Freedom project, carried out by film students and aspiring filmmakers. Its goal is to produce and film a documentary that advocates for the end in captivity and slaughter of dolphins and whales.

One's support can go a long way into making this project come to life and take part in a growing movement. Oftentimes, it is only through controversies like 'Blackfish' and annual dolphin hunt that we begin to wake up and start making progress.

You can find out more information about Blue Freedom project and how to give your support on its Kickstarter website.

Always remember that we are the change we want to see in our society and world at large. It always starts with you, me and us...


"A better attitude leads to better actions and a better world..."

Thursday, November 6, 2014

What We Would Miss When the Ocean is Gone

Personal thoughts:

Water is life. It is the ultimate source of our existence on Earth. Unfortunately, we often fail to consider the the value and welfare of the ocean. There's an old saying that goes, "you only realize its worth when it's gone." I really hope we don't get to that point when it comes to taking care of our ocean. In the effect of global warming and increasing pollution, now is the time to start thinking more about the ocean and how it affects our current and future generations. If we would only recognize the significance of the ocean in our daily lives, we could get to work on saving what's left good and precious in it. 

Humans have taken a lot from the ocean -- but what if the ocean decided to call it quits? What if the ocean, encapsulated in the film below by the booming voice of Harrison Ford, really did stop providing us with the generous benefits it has given us for all of human history? What would happen then?

This possibility is something that more and more governments, businesses and organizations are waking up to, and they are starting to worry. Just consider the remarkable range of benefits we get from healthy oceans:
  1. Food provision through wild fisheries and fish farming. About 4.3 billion people get around 15% of their animal protein and essential nutrition from seafood.
  2. Natural products like shells, seaweed, fish oil and coral. Each year, people consume almost 23 million tons of seaweed alone, an amount valued at over US 6 billion.
  3. Coastal protection. Natural barriers like coral reefs, mangroves and seagrass beds mitigate impacts from major storms and tsunamis.
  4. Artisanal fishing opportunities for those who don't have other options for employment or livelihoods and need to make their sustenance from oceans. There are over 12 million artisanal fishers worldwide.
  5. Economies and livelihoods for people along the coasts. Worldwide, an estimated 350 million jobs depend on the ocean.
  6. Biodiversity. Already 11.7% of marine species are threatened by extinction, as are the many direct and indirect benefits they provide to people, from being sources of new medicines to maintaining ecosystems in balance.
  7. Clean water, free from pollutants and plastic garbage, that people can swim and wash in without putting their health at risk. There are already more than 400 dead zones worldwide, where lack of oxygen prevents many forms of life. These areas cover an area larger than the entire state of Minnesota.
  8. A sense of place, including cultural, spiritual and aesthetic benefits. In the U.S. 39% of the population lives in coastal counties; these people are shaped by living by the ocean.
  9. Carbon storage. The ocean captures carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and buries it in sediments to mitigate climate change. Mangroves capture five times as much carbon per acre as tropical rainforests, but these "blue carbon" habitats are being lost at a rate 2-4 times faster.
  10. Tourism and recreation. In the U.S., over 40% of people visit the beach each year.

It is pretty obvious that we wouldn't do well without the benefits provided by a healthy ocean. In fact, we most likely would not survive. The good news is that many people are realizing what is at stake; even global and national leaders are catching on.


"A better attitude leads to better actions and a better world..."


Thursday, August 14, 2014

Time to Rethink Our Use of Bottled Water that Likely Comes from Drought Stricken California

Personal thoughts:

We're all familiar with our bottled water. Many of use it every day, but it doesn't mean it's healthy for us nor is it for the environment. According to EPA (below article), the bottled water we're drinking likely comes from the drought stricken California.

It doesn't make sense that we take water from a drought area, so why California? Two main reasons: 1.) Large companies like Arrowhead, Dasani, Crystal Geyser and Aquafina have shops situated in California.
2.) There is no strict groundwater regulations in California. Basically, you can dig up your own water and call it your own. 

Our bottled water either comes from natural springs or groundwater. They're still basically tap water that goes under treatment. But if there's poor regulation and water companies are not required to publicly disclose where their water resource come from, shouldn't it be a health concern for us bottled water drinkers? Especially when majority of them comes from a state where water availability is rough..? And of course, this is not to mention the detrimental effects it has on the environment through depletion of water resources and bottled water wastes that pollute lands and the ocean.

Bottled-water drinkers, we have a problem: There's a good chance that your water comes from California, a state experiencing the third-driest year on record.

The details of where and how bottling companies get their water are often quite murky, but generally speaking, bottled water falls into two categories. The first is "spring water," or groundwater that's collected, according to the EPA, "at the point where water flows naturally to the earth's surface or from a borehole that taps into the underground source." About 55 percent of bottled water in the United States is spring water, including Crystal Geyser and Arrowhead.

The other 45 percent comes from the municipal water supply, meaning that companies, including Aquafina and Dasani, simply treat tap water—the same stuff that comes out of your faucet at home—and bottle it up. (Weird, right?)

But regardless of whether companies bottle from springs or the tap, lots of them are using water in exactly the areas that need it most right now.

One reason is simply that California happens to be where some bottled water brands have set up shop. "You have to remember this is a 120-year-old brand," said Jane Lazgin, a representative for Arrowhead. "Some of these sources have long, long been associated with the brand." Lazgin acknowledges that, from an environmental perspective, "tap water is always the winner," but says that the company tries to manage its springs sustainably. The water inside the bottle isn't the only water that bottling companies require: Coca-Cola bottling plants, which produce Dasani, use 1.63 liters of water for every liter of beverage produced in California, according to Coca-Cola representative Dora Wong. "Our California facilities continue to seek ways to reduce overall water use," she wrote in an email.

Another reason we're drinking California's water: California happens to be the only Western state without groundwater regulation or management of major groundwater use. In other words, if you're a water company and you drill down and find water in California, it's all yours.

Despite the fact that almost all US tap water is better regulated and monitored than bottled, and despite the hefty environmental footprint of the bottled water industry, perhaps the biggest reason that bottling companies are using water in drought zones is simply because we're still providing a demand for it: In 2012 in the United States alone, the industry produced about 10 billion gallons of bottled water, with sales revenues at $12 billion.

As Gleick wrote, "This industry has very successfully turned a public resource into a private commodity." And consumers—well, we're drinking it up.


"A better attitude leads to better actions and a better world..."