Thursday, January 23, 2014

Make it illegal to hold dolphins and whales in captivity for any entertainment purposes. Stop SeaWorld and those alike.



In the early 1990's, the U.K. shut down marine parks with captive dolphins and whales on display. Why did they do this and why should the U.S. do the same? 

-These animals do not enjoy performing.
-Dolphins and whales in captivity live shorter lives in captivity. Anti-depressants are sometimes administered.
-They are highly intelligent, family oriented creatures and placing them in captivity cuts them off from their family group.
-A cage in captivity is never a healthy enough space than the ocean.
-To engage and educate the public, most surveys say people would be more interested in observing them in the wild than in a tank.
Sign this petition and let your voice be heard to shut down SeaWorld and those alike that hold dolphins and whales in captivity.

Created: Jan 03, 2014


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